Syllabus :
Detail Syllabus of Main Written Examination of Junior Mining officer:
Surface Mining Technology
1. Choice of Opencastg
2. Benching
3. Slope Stability
4. Explosive and Blasting Accessories
5. Drilling
6. Blasting Practices in Mines
7. Controlled Blasting Techniques as per statutory provision
8. Magazines
b. Underground Coal Mining
1. Introduction to underground coal Mining
2. Board and Pillar method
3. Long wall method
4. Thick seam Mining
5. Horizon mining
6. Hydraulic and Pneumatic Stowing
7. Support and roof control in Mines
8. Subsidence due to Mining
9. Shaft Sinking
c. Mine Ventilation
1. Course contents
2. Air crossing and distribution
3. Mechanical Ventilation
4. Booster fan and its Effect
5. Auxiliary Ventilation
6. Ventilation Survey
7. Leakage of air in Mines .
d. Mine hazard end safety
1. Mine gases & gas testing
2. Emission of firedamp in U/g working.
3. Define fires & spontaneous heating
4. Mine explosion
5. Mine Inundation
6. Mine
& illumination
7. Noise
and vibration .
8. Mine
and Recovery.
Mine Machinery
1. Wire Ropes
2. Rope haulage
3. Headgear
4. Cage and shaft fittings
5. Winding drum
6. Friction Winding
7. Skip Winding
8. Pit
top & Pit
bottom circuit layout
f. Underground Metal Mining
1. Access to ore body
2. Development in underground Metal mine.
3. Give
a Comparative study between
coal and metal Mining
4. Stoping Methods.
5. Stone Drifting
6. Rock Burst
7. Face mechanization.
g. Mineral Dressing
1. Introduction
2. Unit Operations
3. Grinding
4. Explain the procedure for size analysis & use of standard screen as also screening techniques employed.
5. Industrial Screening
6. Gravity Concentration
7. Heavy Media separation
8. Flotation
9. Magnetic & Electrostatic Separators
h. Material handling and Logistics
1. Introduction
to surface &
underground haulage System.
2. Conveyors
3. Locomotive haulage
4. Aerial rope ways
5. Hydraulic transportation of solids.
6. Man
riding haulage
7. Spiral Chutes
8. Flow of Materials in bins, bunkers
a. Mine Survey - 1
1. Chain Survey
2. Compass Survey
3. Plane
Table Survey
4. Computation
of areas
5. Leveling
6. Calculation of Ore Reserves
7. Theodolite
b. Mine Legislation & General Safetv
1. Mines Act 1952 Discuss various Provisions of Mines Act 1952.
2. ines Rules 1955 Discuss various provisions of Mines Rule 1955.
3. Coal Mine Regulation 2017 Discuss various provisions of C.M.R.2017 .
4. Mines Rescue Rules 1985 Discuss various provisions of Mines Rescue Rules 1985.
5. Indian Explosive Rules 2008 Discuss various provision of Indian Explosive Rules 2008.
6. Central Electricity Authority 2010 Discuss various provisions of Central Electricity Authority 2010.
c .Mine Survey -II
1. Tachometry
2. Triangulation and Trilateration.
Correlation of Surface and underground survey.
Setting out Curves.
Stop Surveying
G.P.S & Total Station
d .Mine Legislation & General Safety - II
1. Metalliferous Mines Regulation 1961
2. Mines Y.T Rule3 1966
2. Mines Creche Rules 1966
3. Maternity benefit Act.
4. Mines Accident & Safety
Forest Conservation Act (FCA) 1980.
Protection Act 1986.
MMDR Act MCR Rules
Classified Circulars ( DGMS )
e. Advanced Mines Survey
Spherical Trigonometry .
Field Astronomy.
Element of Photogrammetry.
Global Positioning System.
Total Station.
Environmental Studies
The Multi-disciplinary
nature of environmental studies.
Natural Resources.
3. Systems
4. Biodiversity and it's Conversation.
5. Environmental Pollution.
6. Social Issues and the Environment.
7. Human Population and the Environment.
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