OSSC Mining Officer Requirement 2022 Selection Process

Selection Process:


1) Certificate verification and submission of Detailed Application Form (DAF):

Basing on the performance in the Main Written Examination candidates 02 (two) times of the vacancies notified, in order of merit, category wise, shall be shortlisted for verification of original certificates/documents.

The candidates will be required to produce their Original Academic Certificates, Mark sheets, caste certificate, special category certificate and other documents as intimated in the admission letter for verification along with a set of self-attested photocopy of the same and OSSC copy of the application form duly signed by the applicant. (Details is enclosed in Anneaure-B).


2)  Admission Letter:

a)      The Commission shall upload the admission letter in its Website “www ossc.gov.in” for the convenience of the candidates. Applicants should click on the button ‘candidates’ login’ and then provide ‘user Id’ and ‘Password’ upon which the status of the application will be displayed on the screen. The eligible applicant may click on “Download Admission Letter” to download the Admission Letter and take print out.

b)     Admission of a candidate for the written examination & other tests shall be provisional and shall be on the basis of the information furnished by her / him in the online application form.

c)      The admitted candidates will have to produce the print out of the admission letter at the venue

allotted for appearing in the examination / test.

d)     The admission letter contains date, time and venue of the examination, and bears the photo and signature of the candidate and facsimile signature of the Secretary of Commission.

3)              Select list:

The Merit list shall be prepared basing on the sum total of marks secured by candidates in Paper-I and Paper-II (out of 200 marks) of the Main Written Examination and found suitable in Certificate Verification. The Select list shall be prepared category wise from the said Merit list equal to number of vacancies advertised and will be forwarded to Govt. for approval. On such approval of Govt. the Commission will publish the result.

4)  Action against candidates found guilty of misconduct / malpractice:

(a) If a candidate is found to indulge at any stage in any of the malpractices / misconduct listed below, before during or after conduct of examination, hifher candidature for this examination will be cancelled and they will be debarred from the examinations of the Commission for a specified period or permanently.

         Taking away any Examination related material such as OMR sheets, Rough Sheets, Answer Sheet etc. from the examination hall or passing it on to unauthorized persons during the conduct of examination.

         Leaving the Examination Venue uninformed during the Examination

        Misbehaving, intimidating or threatening in any manner the examination functionaries’ i.e. Supervisor, Invigilator, Security Gu‹zd or Commission’s representatives etc.

        Obstruct   the   conduct  of  examination/    instigate other candidates not to take the examination.

        Making statements which are incorrect or false, suppressing material information,

Submitting fabricated documents, etc.

        Obtaining support/ influence for his candidature by any irregular or improper means.

        Possession of Mobile Phone in either ‘switched on’ or ‘switched ofP mode.

         Appearing in the same examination more than once in contravention of the rules.

        A candidate who is working on examination related matters in the same examination.

        Damaging examination related infrastnicture/ equipment.

        Appearing in the Exam with forged Admit Card, identity proof, etc.

       Possession of fire arms/ weapons during the examination.

       Assault, use of force, causing bodily harm in any manner Threatening/ intimidating to the examination functionaries’ i.e. Supervisor, Invigilator, Security ñ“uard or Commission’s representatives etc.

         Using unfair means in the examination hall like copying from unauthorized sources such as written material on any paper or body parts, etc.

        Possession of Bluetooth Devices, spy cameras, and any other electronic gadgets in the examination hall.

        Impersonate/Procuring impersonation by any person.

         Taking snapshots, making videos of question papers or examination material, labs, etc.

         Sharing examination terminal through remote desktop software’s/ Apps/ LAN/ VAN, etc. or attempting the same.

         Attempt to hack or manipulate examination servers, data and examination systems at any point before, during or after the examination.

(b)             The Commission may also report the matter to Police/ Investigating Agencies, as deemed fit and the Commission may also tal:e appropriate action to get the matter examined by the authorities/ forensic experts concerned.

5)     Commission’s Decision Final: The decision of the Commission in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of the applications, penalty for false information, mode of selection, conduct of examination(s), allotment of examination centers and preparation of merit list & post allocation, debarment for indulging in malpractices will be final and binding on the candidates and no enquiry/ correspondence will be entertained in this regard.


6)    Important Instruction/Information to the Candidates: -

(a)     Marks scored by candidates ia Computer based Main Written Examination, if such examination is conducted in more than one Sitting/Batch, will be normalised by using the formula published by the Commission vide Notice No.2444/OSSC, dt.02.09.2021 and such normalized scores will be used to determine cut-off/ last selection marks.

(b)     There shall be no provision for re-evaluation/ re-checking of scores in the Examination. No correspondence in this regard shall be entertained.

(c)     Sharing of marks with candidate: Marks obtained by an applicant in Main Examination are proposed to be shared with him/her in his/her individual log-in ID after final merit list is published.

(d)    This is a State Cadre post. The candidate, on selection, may be asked to serve anywhere in Odisha.

(e)     If a candidate scoring more than cut-off last selection marks at any Tier/stage of the examination is not qualified for the subsequent stage/ final selection due to any reason, he must represent to the Commission within one month of the declaration of the result.

(I)       Applicants who are Odisha Government servant should obtain a “No Objection Certificate” from their controlling authority and upload the some with the Online Application. At the certificate verification stage they must produce the original “No Objection certificate”. Those who were not Odisha Government Servants at time of application but became Government Servants subsequently during recruitment process, must submit No Objection Certificate at stage of certificate verification. Those who are unable to produce No Objection Certificate at or before Certificate Verification will not be included in the Select List. Similarly if any candidate hides his Govt. servant status and if found to be an Odisha Govt. servant, on the day of Certificate Verification or before, will not be included in the Select List.

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